KMC Global Controls & Automation > News & Knowledge > Blog > 5 Ways That Updating Machine Programming or Adding Automation To Current Operations Can Specifically Affect Profitability

5 Ways That Updating Machine Programming or Adding Automation To Current Operations Can Specifically Affect Profitability

5 ways that updating machine programming |


Reduced Time to Market Icon |

Reduced Time to Market

Manufacturers using a relay panel or outdated controls are typically dependent on manual operations. By updating a control platform, production time and downtime are reduced through steps that can be automatically controlled and give machine feedback and fault management.



Improved Quality Icon |

Improved Quality

Automated systems increase accuracy, which results in higher quality output, streamlined processes, and fewer errors. In addition, a reduction in quality inconsistencies leads to less waste.



Safer Workplace Icon |

Safer Workplace

In “Liberty Mutual’s 2018 Workplace Safety Index,”6 the insurance company estimated that employers paid more than $1 billion per week for workers’ compensation in 2015 for disabling, non-fatal workplace injuries. Automation reduces employee exposure to dangerous or repetitive tasks, which decreases the risk of incurring these costs.



Increased Output Icon |

Increased Output

An automated process increases output, enables faster production times and reduces costs to help operations quickly meet customer demands.
